Kedves Profizmusra Vágyók!
Nézzétek meg ezt a rövid videót arról, hogy Nagy-Britanniában hogyan fejleszt a TESCO. A technikai fejlődés hatalmas mértékben változtatja a munka világát és a kiskereskedelmi szektort is. Ezúttal is elolvashatjátok a szöveg összefoglalását, ami segít a megértésben.
I am here to show you the innovation Tesco has been creating. The scan as you shop system works with the club card. Customers have to pick a hand scanner and go around scanning the products, which allows them to ……the process at the chech-out.
As Tesco has the best food supply chain. There are cameras at the ceiling. If a ….. is empty, it sends ……….to a colleague.
There are smart ……for the staff. It is a little computer to help them answer customers’ questions.
Electronic shelf ……..labels work with the same technology as Amazon Kindle. With this you can change prices instantly. ………it would take a week and an awful lot of manpower.
Club card …….can buy a physical product in the shop but it will instantly be available digitally.
QR codes are another example of …….and clicks systems. You can scan it with the help of a smart phone and it will bring you to a website where you can find everything you ever wanted to know about the product.
There are also kiosks placed around the shop, where you can go directly to Tesco’s website and order online and get the things …… a desk.
Another thing, which is being developed, is an application which makes the pictures of the product 3 dimensional. You will be able to see celebrity ……making something right in front of your eyes.
Which words are missing?
holders, bricks, badge, skip, edge, delivered, chefs, notification, tray, manually,
Which word means:
széle vmnek
Jó tanulást! Demkó Andrea A cégek és cégvezetők nyelvi szakértője
A szövegben:
skip, tray, notification, badge, edge, manually, holders, bricks, delivered, chefs
1, edge, 2, tray, 3, brick, 4, deliver, 5, holder, 6, manually, 7, badge, 8, notification, 9, chef, 10, skip