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Kedves Profizmusra Vágyók!

Demkó Andrea vagyok, a cégek és cégvezetők nyelvi szakértője. A következő néhány blogban legal issues témákkal foglalkozom. Bővítsük a szókincseteket egy kicsit ebbe az irányba is. Ha van 10 percetek tanuljátok meg a szavakat, kifejezéseket. Okosodjatok! https://www.raconteur.net/legal-innovation-2017 

Companies usually have a legal advisor, a solicitor working for them. They require fast delivery of services, transparency and secure collaboration naturally at lower costs. In order to meet these requirements law firms turn to digitalization of their services, they are not immune from technological changes. I do not suscribe to the notion that robots will soon replace human lawyers but it is true that technical advancement has been decreasing the need for legal professionals e.g. in contract management. What’s more, now there is a possibility for online dispute resolution and the digitalization of the courtroom can quicken the litigation.     Lawsuits are very costly but in many countries litigation funding is available. It is an investment, where the funder pays the costs up front. If the case fails, they lose the money but if  they win, the investment is generously rewarded from the client’s damages.

Solicitors prepare articles of association, they draw up a sales contract, act in case of breach of contract. They help with liquidation procedures, file a petition in bankruptcy, assist in due dilligence, disciplinary procedures. They arrange legal correspondence, prepare legal documents for court cases, represent companies at court hearings, deal with non paying clients.

Néhány hasznos kifejezés tehát a témában:

litigation: pereskedés

lawsuit: per

damages: kártérítés (mindig tbsz.)

dispute resolution: vita rendezése

articles of association: társasági szerződés

breach of contract: szerződésszegés

draw up a sales contract: adásvételi szerződést ír

due dilligence: cégátvilágítás

disciplinary procedures: fegyelmi eljárás

file a petition in bankruptcy: csődöt jelent

Jó tanulást, üdvözlettel:

Demkó Andrea üzletinyelv-szakértő

 „Segítek neked profivá válni”