Sziasztok Kedves Profizmusra Vágyók!
Demkó Andrea vagyok, a cégek és cégvezetők nyelvi szakértője. Mi más is lehetne a mai blog témája mint a Black Friday. Ez a vásárlási láz már Magyarországon is elterjedt, de csak kevesen ismerik a történetét. Ma ezt osztom meg veletek, természetesen feladatokkal.
The term Black Friday was first used to describe a financial crisis, the crash of the US gold market on September 24 1869. Two ruthless Wall Street financiers wanted to buy up gold to make the prices skyrocket and then sell it for astonishing profit. On that day the conspiracy unraveled sending the stockmarket into freefall and bankrupting many people.
In America Thanksgiving is traditionally on a Thursday in November and the Christmas shopping starts on the following Friday. Retailers offered the biggest holiday bargains and people wanted to seize the opportunity. As the story goes, stores earned such a big profit which made them go into the black, after being in the red because customers spent a lot of money on discounted merchandize.
However, in the 1950s the term had a negative connotation. The police in Philadelphia used Black Friday to describe the chaos that ensued on the day after Thanksgiving. Hordes of people flooded the city to see the Army-Navy football game held on Saturday. Consequently cops could not take a day off, what’s more they had to work extra long shifts. Shoplifters would take advantage of the bedlam and ravaged the shops.
Black Friday caught on but the term became common nationwide only in the late 1980s, when retailers found a way to reinvent Black Friday.
ruthless: kegyetlen
skyrocket: felfelé szárnyal, erősen növekszik
unravel: kibomlik, feltárul
seize the opportunity: megragadja a lehetőséget
be in the red: minuszban van
be in the black: nyereséges
shoplifter: bolti tolvaj
bedlam: őrület, tébolyda
ravage: kifoszt
catch on: elterjed, népszerű lesz
FELADAT! Melyik szó van körülírva?
a thief that steals from stores:
scene of noisy confusion:
grab the chance:
become popular and widespread:
become clear:
owe money:
make a profit:
Jó tanulást! Üdvözlettel: Demkó Andrea
„Segítek neked profivá válni.”
- shoplifter, 2. bedlam, 3.ruthless, 4. seize the opportunity, 5. catch on, 6. unravel, 7. be in the red, 8. skyrocket, 9. ravage, 10. be in the black