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Sokszor hallottunk már vitákat az óraátállításról. A nyári időszámítás – Daylight Saving Time – már lassan véget ér. Jó ez nekünk vagy semmi haszna? Olvassátok el az alább bejegyzést!
There has always been a controversy around setting the clock ahead for daylight saving. People may think that with the time shift, they are conserving electricity otherwise spent on lighting. But recent studies have cast doubt on the energy argument—some research has even found that it ultimately leads to greater power use.
Benjamin Franklin is credited with conceiving the idea of daylight saving in 1784 to conserve candles, but the U.S. did not institute it until World War I as a way to preserve resources for the war effort. The first comprehensive study of its effectiveness occurred during the oil crisis of the 1970s, when the U.S. Department of Transportation found that daylight saving trimmed national electricity usage by roughly 1 percent compared with standard time.Scant research had been done since, during which time U.S. electricity usage patterns have changed as air conditioning and household electronics have become more pervasive.
While some researchers observed that there was a drop in energy use some others concluded that it led to a rise in electricity use because although daylight time reduces demand for household lighting, it increased demand for cooling on summer evenings and heating in early spring and late fall mornings. Is daylight saving counterproductive? It seems that ime shifting turns out to be an energy waster, and has other negative impacts. It has been found that the number of heart attacks rose about 5% during the first week of daylight saving time. Some medical journals suggested that this rise may result from the disruption of sleep patterns and biological rhythms. We are also prone to make more deadly mistakes on the roads. The problem does not stop here. DST also causes more reports of injuries at work, more strokes and may even increase the suicide rate.
Fewer than half of the countries in the world participate in this biannual clock changing ritual, which probably does not save us energy but costs some people their lives.
controversy: vita
setting the clock ahead: előre állítani az órát
cast doubt on: kétségbe von
be credited with: neki tulajdonítják
preserve: megőriz, megtakarít
comprehensive: átfogó
trimmed: megnyírbál
pervasive: kiterjedt, átható
counterproductive: ellentétes hatást kiváltó, kontraproduktív
turn out: kiderül
disruption: felborulás, megzavarás
be prone to: hajlamos valamire
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