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Ma is egy érdekes és aktuális témáról olvashattok: videokamerák a munkahelyen. A legtöbb munkáltató használ megfigyelő kamerákat, amik azonban kényes kérdéseket vetnek fel a használat és az adatok tárolásának legitim voltáról. Most, hogy életbe lépett az új európai adatvédelmi törvény(GDPR), különösen kell figyelni ezekre a munkahelyen. Érdekel az ezzel kapcsolatos szókincs? Olvassátok el a bejegyzést!


CCTV means closed-circuit television, also known as video surveillance, which monitors the behavior, activities of people from a distance. In 2016, it was estimated that there were approximately 350 million video surveillance cameras installed worldwide.

Under GDPR, employers are entitled to monitor employee activity if they have a lawful basis for doing so and the purpose of their monitoring is clearly communicated to employees in advance.

There are many legitimate business reasons why employers monitor employees using CCTV. Lawful bases of monitoring include keeping employees safe and secure by preventing crime, preventing employee misconduct, ensuring compliance with health and safety procedures, monitoring and improving productivity, and in some cases such as the financial services sector, complying with regulatory requirements.

Employee monitoring by CCTV surveillance should be confined to areas where the risk of infringing employees’ privacy rights are low. The use of CCTV cameras that constantly monitor a select group of employees in a particular area are more likely to be deemed intrusive than those that monitor all employees in a general entrance area.

The purpose of CCTV should be clearly communicable to employees. In line with the GDPR requirements, employees must be clearly given notice prior to having their personal data recorded.

A recent judicial decision of the European Court of Human Rights has reinforced the importance of applying the proportionality principle under the current Data Protection Directive when assessing the lawfulness of using CCTV surveillance to monitor employees. The court’s decision in López Ribalda and others v Spain held illegal an employer’s covert use of video surveillance in a chain of Spanish supermarkets and reaffirmed the principles of transparency, proportionality and lawful monitoring.

The background to the case concerned five supermarket workers who were being monitored by their employer for the purposes of investigating possible theft. The employer installed both visible and hidden cameras and communicated notice to its workers about the visible cameras only. Thus unaware of the covert cameras, all the workers suspected of theft were shown video footage capturing their involvement in misappropriating the employer’s goods. The five employees admitted involvement in the thefts and were dismissed on disciplinary grounds.

Employers should ensure that they put prominent and adequate signage in areas where CCTV cameras are installed. CCTV systems are inherently vulnerable to cyber-attacks when connected to the Internet or the cloud, and the security and privacy of the data held is best ensured by restricting access to them.

An employer’s use of CCTV in the workplace can raise complex legal issues in light of the new GDPR requirements, depending on the purpose of the surveillance.  Where the proportionality of the processing is not clear, specialist legal advice is recommended to ensure that the usage is GDPR- compliant.

surveillance: megfigyelés, felügyelet

be entitled to: jogosult valamire

lawful: törvényes, törvényszerű

comply with: eleget tesz, megfelel vmnek pl. szabályoknak, betart

infringe: megszeg, megsért

intrusive: tolakodó

in line with: összhangban vmivel, valaminek megfelelően

covert: titkos, rejtett

footage: felvétel

misappropriate: eltulajdonít, hűtlenül kezel

disciplinary: fegyelmi

signage: jelzés, jelzőtábla

raise legal issues: jogi kérdéseket vet fel


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