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A Forbes magazin egyik cikkében arról olvastam, hogy bizony veszélyben van a repülés a pilóták hiánya miatt. Bármilyen vonzó is ez a szakma, a pilóták száma nem tud lépést tartani a növekvő igénnyel. Ma is egy újabb témában bővíthetitek a szókincseteket, ha elolvassátok a cikket.
Are you going to fly to yout holiday destination? The growing number of holiday makers is laying a heavy burden on commercial aviation as there is a rising demand for new pilots with new aircraft entering the global fleet. Even according to the most conservative statistics more than half a million pilots will be needed by 2035.
Both private aviation and commercial airlines compete for a dwindling pool of qualified pilots. In 2013 a new 1500 hour rule came into effect in the US, which required first officers — co-pilots — to fly at least 1,500 hours of accrued flight time, instead of the 250 hours which was previously required to qualify for an Air Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate. The rule also requires that ATP pilots earn an additional 1,000 flight hours before they qualify to serve as captains. The regulation originated in part as a safety measure, but the rule, while well-intentioned, has made the pilot shortage more severe.
But the pilot crisis is not a U.S. crisis alone. Like aviation, it is global. Qualified pilots are in demand around the world. Growth markets, like Asia-Pacific and the Middle East, are offering pilots attractive packages that include covering some costs of living.
In Europe, the pilot crisis is already causing disruption. Ryanair has been confronted by a number of pilot issues over the past two years, some attributed to the scheduling of holiday breaks, but in the interim its pilots have become unionized and are taking industrial action, demanding better working contracts and forcing the airline to cancel flights and reconsider the fleet.The worry is that Ryanair is only one example of what has been building up for a while. Not all airlines are as resilient to these labor shocks, and the ripples of pilot demand are spreading around the globe.
There is no adequate plan B for when the retirement age comes into effect—anywhere from 60-65 depending on the region—taking a large number of qualified pilots out of the global pool. Many new pilots have been recruited from the military.
There are a number of initiatives to recruit and train more pilots happening around the world. Airlines, like JetBlue, are offering employees an opportunity to train for the specific aircraft types they operate. While those training initiatives will help relieve the stress for those airlines, they will not immediately replace the missing pool.
There is also an initiative to attract more women to the flight deck, but training new pilots takes time, entering the field is cost-prohibitive to some women candidates, and accruing the experience hours to fly also takes time.
New technologies, including AI-enabled automation, might relieve demand, perhaps down to one pilot in the flight deck, but those technologies are more than a decade away from ready.
It is believes that there will need to be a combination of higher incentives for pilots to stay, a relaxing of the rules which would allow for a higher retirement age, and lower flight hour requirements to qualify.
lay a burden on: terhet ró
dwindling: csökkenő, apadó, zsugorodó
accrued: elért, megszerzett, felszaporodott
shortage: hiány valamiből
attribute to: tulajdonít valaminek/valakinek
take industrial actions: sztrájkol, kollektíven fellép
ripples: hullámvetés, valami következménye
come into effect: hatályba lép
relieve: könnyít, tehermentesít
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