Sziasztok Profizmusra Vágyók!
Foglalkoztatott már valaha titeket a kérdés: mitől lesz valaki sikeres vállalkozó, jó üzletember? Akár vállalkozó vagy akár csak most indulnál hasznos tippeket olvashatsz itt. Persze ha csak a business szókincsedet fejlesztenéd akkor se hagyd ki. Az információk nem akárhonnan vannak, hanem a Guardian brit napilapból és a Forbes üzleti magazinból.
Entrepreneurs are a unique breed. Do they have innate characteristics or can these traits be taught? Of course you can learn the mechanics but when tough times come you will revert to your default personality especially if you are a risk avert person. So a risk taking attitude is the first key element but it does not mean that if you are not a gambling type you are not cut out for it. What are the other ingredients?
You must have a positive mindset and persistence is also vital. You will need determination when you are rejected. Sometimes it is hardship that fuels perseverance. There are strange examples of entrepreneurs who were university dropouts but it does not necessarily mean that academic achievement is a hindrance. Many say that starting at a young age is beneficial but statistics show that the average age is 45 when entrepreneurs set up a successful business. They have the accumulation of contacts, capital and personal skills.
A strong idea or a go-getting characteristic may be useful but nothing beats hard work. Spot a gap, push and never give up.
The Forbes article is based on a book A dozen lessons for entrepreneurs by Tren Griffith. The firs hint is not to noodle just start. If you set things in motion there is nowhere else to go but forward. Many are dreaming of leaving their workplace for a start up but do not have the guts.
It is important that your product or service find an audience to serve, so test whether it is valuable.
Stay focused and eliminate distraction. Identify and focus on the critical path and ignore everything else. Cash starvation is often the result of a bad decision that a company has lost focus and diverted resources to activities that are not on their path. Do not conflate success with taking on a lot. Blinders were created with a purpose.
Have a strategy. It is the why of your existence, the story you can tell, the thing, which will make people follow you.
Finally every company has a rocky beginning and hits walls. Dedication is an absolute must, you must pursue the vision.
If you are a person who wants to find the purpose and meaning in what they do, go for it, you will make a good entrepreneur!
innate: vele született
revert to: visszatér valamihez
risk avert: kockázat kerülő
be cut out for: „ki van vágva”, valamire van teremtve, vmire született
persistence: kitartás
dropout: iskolából kibukott, lemorzsolódott
go-getting: törtető, ambíciózus,
spot: kiszúr mint észrevesz
noodle: alapvetően galuskát jelent de igeként azt jelenti töketlenkedik
guts: alapjelentése: belek, de a bátorság, tökösség szinonimájaként használják
distraction:figyelem elterelés
cash starvation: a starvation éhezést jelent, így együtt arra utal, hogy szűkös a pénz
conflate: összekever, vegyít
pursue: űz, folytat, elérni kíván
Ha hallgatni is szeretnél nézd meg ezt! Egy vállalkozó jótanácsai!
Jó fejlődést kívánok!
Demkó Andrea
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