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Sziasztok Profizmusra Vágyók!

Hogy álltok a főnökötökkel? A mostani blog témája: milyen legyen a XXI. század cégvezetője. Kell e egyáltalán vezető a cég élére? Milyen kihívásokkal néznek szembe a vezetők? Olvashattok néhány érdekes dolgot, ami segít fejleszteni a szókincseteket. A feladatokkal pedig tovább mélyülnek a szavak. Ahogy már tudjátok, meg is lehet hallgatni a szöveget. Csak negyed óra kell, hogy fejlődjön az üzleti angolod!

Do we need bosses? There are some companies who feel that they can do without them; for example a Swedish farm thinks it can manage itself without having a single leader at the helm. There are experts, who claim that the job of a CEO is rooted in the industrial revolution: this is directing people towards achieving tasks quickly and then measuring their success by using key performance indicators.

CEOs are like conductors of an orchestra, and even if the autocratic, omnipotent figure of a boss is outdated, companies do need leadership. It is however, quite obvious that the role of a CEO is changing. They need to biuld a team, create an environment where others are enabled to make decisions. They should have a foresight and be able to anticipate where the change is likely to occur. Finally they must have the courage to take risks and abandon well working formulas and practices of the past that made them successful.

However, there are contentious issues concerning leadership. The first is their payment. According to the statistics of Raconteur, the business magazine of the Times, American CEOs earn 335 times more than an average worker, which is insane, even if special skills require premium. Secondly, men continue to dominate the top jobs particularly in financial services. The gender divide increases higher up and few women envisage themselves  at the top because they are deterred by the boys’ club image. Finally, CEOs are more affected by depression and mental health as many of the tendencies that propel business leaders to the top – determination, commitment, working under extreme pressure – increase the risk of mental health problems. Reaching the top can create a sense of alienation.

So leaders should spend more time visioning and thinking about the future and people further down the hierarchy should be more empowered and take on more responsibility.


do without: megvan valami nélkül, boldogul valami nélkül

at the helm: valami élén, a kormányrúdnál

anticipate: előre lát, előre jelez

abandon: elhagy, felhagy, magára hagy

formula: képlet

contentious issue: vitás kérdés

envisage: elképzel, előirányoz, előre lát

deter: elrettent, eltántorít

propel: hajt, hajszol

alienation: elidegenedés



  1. We……….that the demand for our product is likely to increase.

  2. He was a workaholic, which led to a total……….from his family.

  3. Nothing should……….a good leader from achieving his goals.

  4. Is there any sure……….for success?

  5. This lifestyle……….him towards total exhaustion.

  6. He can’t……….the help of his secretary.

  7. There is a……….at the top of the agenda that we should resolve.

  8. We had to……….this project due to the lack of financial resources.

  9. Being……….of the company he is often unable to see the real problem of the employees.

  10. She could not……….herself as a top executive.

Jó tanulást és fejlődést!

Demkó Andrea

Segítek profivá válni!





  1. anticipate, 2. alienation, 3. deter, 4.formula 5. propel, 6. do without, 7. contentious issue, 8. abandon, 9. at the helm, 10. envisage