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A mai bejegyzés témája az új trendek az élelmiszeriparban. Viszonylag friss hír, hogy a NESTLÉ DNS alapú, személyre szabott ételeket készítene. Ez lenne az új irány, ahogy táplálkozni fogunk a jövőben? Olvassátok el a cikket és gyarapodjatok néhány új kifejezéssel.
The world’s largest food company has joined the trend for personalised nutrition with a blend of artificial intelligence and DNA testing.The programme, which began in Japan, could provide the Swiss company with a wealth of data about customers’ wellness and diet as it pivots towards consumers who are seeking to improve their health and longevity. With the help of a home kit, which provides samples for blood and DNA one can identify susceptibility to common ailments like high cholesterol or diabetes. Nestlé, who is not usually associated with healthy food, is now doing a U turn and taking further this personalized approach. They’re trying to figure out the algorithm between the test results and the genetic information and what they recommend as a solution. If they could do it, it would be a very big step.
Nestle’s program is part of a change in direction for the 152-year-old company, which sold off its US candy unit this year amid falling demand for sugary treats. Nestle has made a spate of investments targeted at healthier options. Health problems associated with food and nutrition have become a big issue, Nestle must address that on a global basis and make it its mission for the 21st century. As a result the wellness segment could eventually account for a big part of Nestle’s sales. Nestle employs more than a hundred scientists in areas including cell biology, gastrointestinal medicine and genomics at the Nestle Institute of Health Sciences and has been developing tools to analyse and measure people’s nutrient levels. Some nutritionists are sceptical that tailored diet plans based around supplements are useful and that they may have more of a psychological effect than a medical one. In his 2016 book „Nutrition for a Better Life,” former Nestle chief Peter Brabeck-Letmathe proposed that personalised diet and health programmes were the future of nutrition. „Using a capsule similar to a Nespresso, people will be able to take individual nutrient. The one-size-fits-all platform is a thing of the past.
blend: keverék
pivot towards: vm felé fordul
longevity: hosszú élet
susceptibility: hajlam
do a U-turn: teljes fordulatot vesz
address an issue: foglalkozik egy témával
account for: kitesz, kiad egy részt
tailored: személyre szabott
dietary supplement: étrendkiegészítő
one-size-fits-all: mindenkire egységesen ráhúzható dolog, egyenmegoldás
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