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Mivel mostanában sokan kérdeztek tőlem a benchmarkingról, úgy gondoltam készítek egy bejegyzést erről és persze kiemelem a hasznos szavakat belőle. Mi is az a benchmarking?
Benchmarking improves performance by identifying and applying best demonstrated practices to operations and sales. Managers compare the performance of their products or processes externally with those of competitors and best-in-class companies, and internally with other operations that perform similar activities in their own firms. The objective of Benchmarking is to find examples of superior performance and understand the processes and practices driving that performance. Companies then improve their performance by tailoring and incorporating these best practices into their own operations—not by imitating, but by innovating. Companies use benchmarking to improve their performance and efficiency, to focus on capabilities that are critical to build strategic advantage and to bring new ideas.
Benchmarking has three major categories: internal, competitive and startegic.
Internal benchmarking is used when a company already has established and proven best practices and they simply need to share them. Again, depending on the size of the company, it may be large enough to represent a broad range of performance. Internal benchmarking also may be necessary if comparable industries are not readily available.
Competitive benchmarking is used when a company wants to evaluate its position within its industry. In addition, competitive benchmarking is used when a company needs to identify industry leadership performance targets.
Strategic benchmarking is used when identifying and analyzing world-class performance. This form of benchmarking is used most when a company needs to go outside of its own industry. Six Sigma often uses Hoshin to ensure that all employees are knowledgeable about the strategic direction for the company. Within a company’s Hoshin plan, goals are established relative to benchmarks set by world-class organizations. Often, these benchmarks are obtained from outside industries.
Going outside one’s own industry is often challenging for a company. Keep in mind, however, that customer satisfaction is driven by critical-to-quality measures that are similar regardless of the industry.
For example, when considering the metric, “wait time,” it does not matter whether waiting for a car repair at a body shop, or to make a deposit in a bank lobby, customers do not want to wait in long lines. A lot can be learned from going outside one’s own industry because many customer concerns are the same.
Comparing your organization to peers lets you understand how you’re doing, identify performance gaps and opportunities to improve, and highlight peer achievements that you could emulate, or your own achievements to be celebrated.
identify: beazonosít
tailor: személyre szab
incorporate: incorporate
comparable: összehasonlítható
evaluate: értékel
knowleadgable: jól informált, sokat tudó
concern: aggodalom
peer: egyenrangú fél, egyéb hasonló kategóriába tartozó fél
emulate: felülmúlni igyekszik
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