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Ha nem csak az angol szókincseteket akarjátok bővíteni de az ismereteiteket is az üzleti világban, ajánlom ezt a cikket ami a befektetésekről szól, de ne valami unalmas és érthetetlen banki szövegre számítsatok. Itt érdekes új trendekkel és fogalmakkal ismerkedhettek meg. Maradjatok naprakészek és tanuljatok üzleti angolt!

Volatility is a typical feature of the business environment. Because of the economic and political upheavals, the risk of loss even in mid term is too much to bear. Investors tend to look for potentially more stable assets like energy, infrastructure and property. P2P lending can connect those with money to invest with those looking to borrow and can create a healthy, inflation beating return. But what is P2P? According to the definition of the dictionary Peer-to-Peer lending involves the use of specialised websites that bring together suitable individual lenders and borrowers. P2P sector came into being in 2005 and it has gone through a dramatic growth. . In case of property the loan is secured on bricks and mortar. As interest rates show no signs of going up deposit accounts are no longer an attractive form of making money. It can be a source of capital for funding SMEs as their funding from the traditional bank sector has shrunk since the financial crisis. There is a fair return but of course it is not free from risk either

Another new concept is impact investing, which refers to investments „made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return. Impact investments provide capital to address social and/or environmental issues. Let’s see an example:

We know that plastic is useful and versatile but causes irreversible damage to the planet. Numerous projects have been set up to scour the oceans for plastic but making ocean clean-ups profitable is another matter. There is a British company, who found a simple way to commercialise the ocean bound plastic waste. Local rubbish pickers are paid to retrieve the discarded plastic, which is sent to recycling centres. The output is plastic pellets, which companies can buy. Investors provide the upfront capitals but if companies do not want to finance upfront blended financing is used Blended finance is defined „as the strategic use of development finance and philanthropic funds to mobilize private capital flows to emerging and frontier markets”, resulting in positive results for both investors and communities. A frontier market is a type of developing country which is more developed than the least developing countries, but too small to be generally considered an emerging market.

Investors’ obsession with short term performance is said to be the scapegoat for the problems of global economy like inequalities of wealth or destruction of nature. Now environmental, social and governance factors are ingrained in investors’ thinking. Maybe ESG is the silver bullet for changing corporate behaviour.

volatility: változékonyság, ingadozás

upheaval: kavarodás, zűrzavar

come into being: létrejön

bricks and mortar: tégla és habarcs vagyis fizikai épület

return: nyereség, hozam, megtérülés

versatile: sokoldalú

retrieve: visszahoz, visszanyer

discard: eldob

scapegoat: bűnbak

silver bullet: csodafegyver, csodaszer


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