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A mai cikkben összeválogattam néhány jó mondatot a Brexit hatásáról az angol gazdaságra. Ha akartok igzán angolos frázisokat tanulni, ajánlom a cikket.
This snapsot on the British economy shows that the pound rallied on foreign exchanges. It is the highest since the Brexit vote but it is worth considerably less than it was prior to the referendum.
British households remain under pressure as the rate of inflation stayed at its highest level and it shows no signs of abating.
Key industries give weaker signals for economic growth. The uncertainty generated by Brexit has hit construction firms, while inflation has eaten into profit margins for manufacturers.
The exchequer is usually in the black due to self assessed tax returns.
The number of people out of work rose ending an unbroken 2-year period of falls in the jobless rate. This increase will be a cause for concern.
January was tough for street retailers. The weak sales come as a result of consumers curbing their spendings due to inflation.
As far as the housing market is concerned the number of sales and new buyers fell. The house prices rose slightly in the north-west but fell in London.
The UK prepares to rely more on US trade after Brexit. Figures from the US job market showed wages rising as the American economy created 200.000 new jobs last month. However, investors fear stronger pay growth may lead to rising inflation as companies push up their prices to offset the impact from rising pay demands.
snapshot: pillanatkép
prior to: valamit megelőzően
shows no signs of abating: az enyhülés semmilyen jelét nem mutatja
eat into profit margins: lecsökkenti a haszonkulcsot
be in the black: nincs minuszban, van pénz a számláján
tax return: adóbevallás
cause for concern: ok az aggodalomra
curb: megfékez
as far as…is concerned: ami valamit illet
offset the impact: ellensúlyozza a hatását
1, A jelentés a gazdasági válságot megelőző időszakot elemzi.
- A mérleg egy pillanatkép a cég helyzetéről.
- Ha nem marad a vámunió, sok cég kivonul az Egyesült Királyságból, ami elég nagy ok az aggodalomra.
- Ami a fluktuációt illeti sikerült megállítanunk az értékes munkaerő elvándorlását.
- Hogyan tudnánk megfékezni ezt a negatív tendenciát?
- A vihar nagy károkat okozott ebben az országrészben és egyelőre az enyhülés legkisebb jeleit sem mutatja.
- A fizetésen felüli juttatások köre bővült, a cég ezzel próbálja ellensúlyozni a karcsúsítás hatását.
- Kénytelenek vagyunk csökkenteni az árakat, ha versenyképesek akarunk maradni, bár ez jelentősen csökkenti majd a profitunkat.
- Az adóbevallást május végéig kell a cégeknek beküldeniük.
- Szerencsére nem vagyunk mínuszban, a cég pénzügyi helyzete stabil.
- The report analyses the period prior to the financial crisis.
- The balance sheet is a snapshot about the company’s situation.
- If the customs union cannot be sustained, many companies will leave the UK, which is quite a big cause for concern.
- As far as staff turnover is concerned we managed to stop the valuable workforce from leaving the company.
- How could we curb this negative tendency.
6.The storm caused a lot of damage in this region and it shows no signs of abating.
- The fringe benefits have expanded, with this the firm wishes to offset the impact of rightsizing.
- We are forced to reduce our prices if we want to remain competitive, although it will considerably eat into profit margins.
- Companies have to file in their tax return till the end of May.
- Fortunately, we are in the black, the financial status of the company is stable.