Oldal kiválasztása


Ti is helytelenül használtátok eddig ezeket a prepozíciókat? Ezek abból is adódhatnak, hogy az ember magyarul gondolkozik, ill. magyar logikával kezeli a dolgokat. Megosztom veletek a saját prepozíció gyűjteményemet. Okuljatok belőle!

2, Prepozíciós hibák:

I remember for it helyett: I remember it

Help to me please helyett Help me please

In last week helyett last week

pay attention for helyett pay attention to

I spent money for it helyett I spent money on it

on Budapest helyett in Budapest

I go with a bike helyett go by bike

pay with credit card helyett pay by credit card

It depends from many things helyett it depends on many things

a reason of it helyett a reason for it

És itt a gyűjteményem, amit ígértem!

IN: ban, ben fizikális helyen: in my office, in Hungary időhatározóknál: in the morning, in spring, in January, in 2010, in a week a hónapok, évszakok, évek és napszakok esetében, jövőre utalva valamennyi idő múlva. További kifejezésekben:

in my opinion:                                               in time:

in advance                                                     be interested in

be in favour of                                               be in charge of

in any case                                                     be in trouble

succeed in                                                      result in

specialise in                                                   in good condition

in exchange                                                   in danger

take part in                                                    in the past

be in a hurry                                                  in a queue

in ruins                                                          in business

FROM: ból, ből, tól, től fizikálisan és egy személytől is: from London, from my friends. Egyéb igék vonzataként és kifejezésekben:

benefit from                                                   suffer from

deter from                                                      refrain from

translate from                                                expel from

be different from                                           from morning till night

be far from                                                     be made from

from my point of view                                  separate from

protect from                                                   prevent from

hear from                                                       graduate from

originate from                                                           stem from

apart from sg                                                from what I heard                                          

TO: ba, be, nak, nek, hoz, hez, höz, irány fizikális helyre vagy személynek:

 to England, to my teacher. További kifejezésekben és igékkel:

turn to                                                move to

give to                                                write to

be addicted to                                    have access to

solution to                                          be used to

look forward to                                              react to

refer to                                                                       prefer sg to sg

answer to                                                       belong to

key to                                                             to my surprise

exception to                                                   attitude to

stick to                                                                       welcome to

AT: nál nél, ban ben, elsősorban események előtt: at a party, at the meeting, az óra előtt: at 6 o’clock, ha fizikai helyéggel együtt látjuk, az akkor van, ha úgy utalok rá mint amiben nem csak benne vagyok hanem részt is veszek, használom az ottani szolgáltatást:  IN the school :az iskola épületben van egy szék vagy valaki ott áll.  AT the school: az iskolás gyerek ott van és tanul.

I am in Oxford. – turista vagyok. I am at Oxford. – oxfordi diák vagyok.

age – at the age of six, price – at a low price, speed – at 120kms/hour. Ezen kívül:

be good at                                                      laught at

shout at                                                          be surprised at

at whatever cost                                            at first sight

look at                                                          at that time

at the same time                                            at home

at the end of                                                   at the beginning of

at the moment                                                at a concert

at once                                                                       at hand

at Christmas                                                  at Easter

at the weekend                                               aim at

WITH: val, vel: coffee with sugar, with the help of my colleague, with me

Egyéb vonzatként:

comply with                                                   deal with

help sb with sg                                              with regard to

with the exception of                                     be angry with

agree with                                                      in connection with

compete with                                                 quarrel with

with pleasure                                                 tremble with fear

be satisfied with                                            be patient with

be obsessed with                                           I am not with you

coincide with                                                 collide with

be familiar with                                             get on with sb

ON: rajta, on en ön: on the wall, on the list, napok és dátumok előtt: on Monday, on 3rd of July, valamiről szól pl. a book on Africa.

Egyéb kifejezésekkel:

be on holiday                                                 focus on

concentrate on                                                           insist on

depend on                                                      impose on

be keen on                                                     comment on

congratulations on                                         impact on

have an impression on                                   on behalf of

on a regular basis                                          be based on

on top of that                                                 on my way home

on TV                                                             on the Internet

on a website                                                   on the contrary

OF: alapjelentése a birtokviszonyt fejezi ki, valakinek a valamilye: the employees of the company, vagy mennyiségeknél a bottle of wine. Sok igének vonzata is:

be accused of                                                 be afraid of

be aware of                                                    be capable of

be fond of                                                      be full of

remind sb of sg                                              be of high quality

deprive sb of sg                                             be proud of

run out of                                                       die of

it is very kind of you                                     be of paramount importance

take care of                                                    take no notice of

consist of                                                       some of us

be ashamed of                                                be independent of

FOR: számára, részére, -ért: for you, valamennyi ideig vagy ideje: for a week, for a few months. Egyéb kifejezésekben:

buy sg for sb                                                  be famous for

be eligible for                                                be late for

be responsible for                                          apply for

thank you for                                                 sorry for

cure for                                                          be suitable for

for good                                                         for the time being

account for                                                    apologise for 

cater for                                                         pay for

blame sb for sg                                              for the sake of..

for fun                                                            reason for


get an insight into

go by car/train/plane

protest against

phase sg out

boast about

be sure about

have control over

without exception

under no circumstances

beyond a joke

under pressure

beyond repair

be serious about

haggle over the price

by snail mail

by the time

without doubt

after all

connection between

the above mentioned

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