Oldal kiválasztása

1, A megfelelő szót kell betölteni a szöveg lyukas részeibe. Szógyakorlás, és nyelvvizsga gyakorlás is. Azoknak is hasznos, akik tájékozódni szeretnének. szint C1

What do you think about the different trends? Why?

1. Consumers will demand more control over their data.

This past May, the European Union’s General Data Privacy Regulation went into 1………. reflecting broad consumer interest in businesses better protecting their data. Shortly afterward, a slew of U.S. states 2………. laws ranging from tightened breach notification statutes to regulations governing how businesses can use and sell student data.

In the coming year, avoid purchasing data or 3………. it without consumers’4……….. Not only is regulatory pressure increasing on companies that do so, but Deloitte reports that 71 percent of purchased data is inaccurate.

Where should consumer data come from, then? Why not consumers themselves? Declared data firm Jebbit recommends leveraging the seasons with a holiday gift guide, themed poll, or holiday travel quiz. Interactive content is all the 5 ……… among consumers, as is the one-to-one personalization that’s made possible by data tied to specific customers.  

consent, rage, passed, effect, acquiring

2. Alternative lending will continue to grow.

Non-bank lending has been growing for years, but 2018 1………. to be a boom year for the industry. Given that around 80 percent of small business loan applications are rejected, startup founders are increasingly looking to nontraditional financiers for capital.

But alternative lenders don’t just have 2 ………. their institutional peers; to compete, they also simplify the entire lending process. Kabbage, an Atlanta-based online lending company established in 2008, says small businesses now access more than $10 million every day via its platform. The firm also 3……….. the GreenHouse, which supplies businesses with expert advice from the likes of Bob Vila, Tabatha Coffey, and other business owners about how to build, scale, and grow a company.

One of the fastest-growing varieties of alternative finance schemes is peer-to-peer lending. Since 2006, P2P lending has 4………. by 110 percent per year. Financial advice hub NerdWallet gives the edge to Funding Circle, Lending Club, and StreetShares, but dozens of options exist. With some P2P lenders offering APRs as low as 9 percent and 5………. annual revenue requirements, up-and-coming startups shouldn’t struggle to find financing.

launched, axing, skyrocketed, turned out,triple

3. Everything that can be personalized will be personalized.

Epsilon made waves in 2018 by 1………. something that many companies had long suspected: A supermajority of consumers prefer to work with brands that offer personalized experiences. Personalization can take many forms, but the Epsilon 2………. found that the most popular varieties are coupons based on the customer’s locations, communications on the customer’s preferred channel, and recommendations based on past purchases or service history.

Next year, take a page from Dunkin’ Donuts. The breakfast brand recently reported a 3.6 percent 3……….. rate for a mobile coupon campaign aimed at a competitor’s customers in Rhode Island. What’s more, ten times the number of redeemers took a secondary action, such as mentioning it on social media.

Another type of personalization that’s sure to 4………. is a “channel of choice” communication strategy. Consumers are 5 ……….live conversations in favor of services that don’t require talking, such as SMS and social media. Automated channels are also growing in popularity, with 49 percent using chatbots or automated assistants at least once per week. With that said, 45 percent of consumers are open to any channel, as long as the service is effective.

turning away from, survey, providing, pay off, redemption

4. Subscription services will continue to skyrocket.

Although subscription growth has slowed from earlier years, the industry is still growing by an 1……… one percent per month. Food, beauty, apparel, and lifestyle subscription boxes remain the most popular, in that order.

With that said, the market seems to have plenty of space for niche subscriptions. Nicely Noted, a subscription stationary service, has held its own since 2012, despite 2………. $20 per month for three letterpress cards and stamps. With its own $21-per-month boxes, BarkBox has delighted more than 2 million dogs.

Whether they sell chew toys or software, companies with revenue-related 3………. should 4………. this trend. Subscription-based businesses grow revenues 5.5 times quicker than their S&P 500 5………., in no small part because subscribers place three times more orders than do customers of non-subscription companies.

impressive, resolution, counterparts, charging, capitalize on

5. Socially irresponsible firms will struggle.

Corporate social responsibility has been gaining 1………. for years, but 2018 saw a star-studded vindication of the movement. Early in the year, Blackrock CEO Larry Fink told executives that his firm would take social responsibility into account when 2………. funds. That same month, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would tweak its algorithms to prioritize posts from friends and family — even though, he warned, doing so would result in users spending less time on the platform.

In 2019 and into the future, expect social responsibility to be the table stakes of business. Firms that aren’t sure how to 3………. should consider Patagonia’s CSR efforts. The outdoor brand takes an “all of the above” approach that includes employee volunteerism, selection of socially responsible suppliers, grants for environmental 4 …………., and more.

Part of what makes New Year’s resolutions fun is their challenge. There’s no reason to make a year-long 5………. to something that’s sure to come true anyway.

But businesses need more certainty than casual resolution-makers. There’s a difference between sinking one’s own time and money in something, and sinking employees’ time and investors’ money into it. In the latter case, it’s important that the payoff is at least likely.

So go ahead, entrepreneurs: Make those resolutions — but be sure next year’s trends signal a smart investment.

allocating, steam, committment, contribute, initiatives

KEY:1- effect, passed, acquiring, consent, rage

         2 – turned out, triple, launched, skyrocketed, axing

         3- providing, survey, redemption rate, pay off, turning away from

        4 – impressive, charging, resolution, capitalize on, counterparts

       5 – steam, allocating, contribute, initiatives, committment

2, Hallott szöveg értése. Előadás a bizalom eltolódásáról. Airbnb és a platform gazdaság jelensége. A nő szépen beszél, jó gyakorlásnak és vizsgára készülésnek. Szinten ajánlom azoknak, akik éhesek az új információkra és élvezik ezt angolul hallgatni.

 TED TALK LISTENING: We have stopped trusting institutions……

Rachel Botsman mentions 3 examples of technology inspired trust:1,………….

She mentions that we are losing 2,………….

What is blabla car? 3, …………..

What is the key social identifier?4…………

Is it a successful company? 5………………

It illustrates that 6……………..

7,You need …….to pull you over …….to the unknown

Her definition of trust: 8,…………

Her personal example of taking the trust leap:9,…………….

10, Her research focus:………………

11, Levels of the trust stack:…………..

12, How did trust evolved?

First: (based on, example)


13, breaches of trust examples:……………..

14,She had a talk with……………about…………….

he felt……………….

15.she confessed………………………………explanation?

16,there is a shift ……………………..

17,blockchain is called by economists…………………

18, its real implication is…………………….

19, it will revolutionize…………………….

20,Uber: What did the British Business Minister tweet?

21,What was its consequence?

22,What does it show?

23,What makes you feel safe?

KEY: 1 – Airbnb, bitcoin, Tinder

         2, trust in institutions like banks, governments, churches

        3, a platform that matches drivers and passengers who want to share long journeys together

       4, how much do they talk on the way

       5, absolutely

      6, technology allows people to take a trust leap

      7, a force-a gap

     8, a confident relationship to the unknown

     9, wanted to buy a navy blue Peugeot on e-bay

     10, how technology is transforming the social glue of society

     11, trust the idea, trust the platform, trust the other users

            12, local, borrowing money in a little village, then institutional, trusting contracts, banks

            13, Volkswagen, Panama papers, only one banker was put behind bars after the financial crisis

            14, The CEO of a hotel /Airbnb/perplexed by their success

            15, she never hangs the towel in a hotel buti f she stays in Airbnb she carefully folds them because the hosts rate the guests, which impacts her later possibilities to book a room in the system

            16, from institutional to distributed trust

            17, the great chain of being sure about things

            18, it removes the need of a third party

            19, trust on a global scale

            20, enquired if anyone knew anything about the application

            21, sign-ups increased by 850%

            22, Once a trust leap was taken it cannot be reversed

            23, seeing a name, sb’s photo and a rating

3, Olvasott szöveg értése! Az alábbi linken letölthető business magazinból olvasd el az alábbi cikket: Projects at risk unless funding continues, és válaszolj ennek alapján a kérdésekre.


1, Engineering businesses are short of R@D funding, which is proved by….

2, No purchaser was secured despite……

3, It is not the only issue, which shows….

4, Innovation potential is very strong in the UK because…..

5, This is undermined, however by……

6, To combat this the government is planning…

7, Support is patchy because…

8, The scheme should be extended to…..and should come in the form of….

9, The purpose of Patent Box is….

10, Another funding UK has benefited from is……


1, research activity into a car that can race at 1000mph which never came to a completion due to lack of funding

2, public support and engagement of investors

3, the UK does not spend enough on R&D

4, good academic research base and eccellent cooperation with the industries.

5, risky and expensive time –gaps – in the development cycle.

6, to increase research funding

7, only certain regions and sectors are eligible for support

8, SMEs ……tax credits

9, to reduce corporate tax by 10% on certain qualifying product lines.

10, Horizon 2020 programme

4, Válaszd ki a megfelelőt a két szó közül. Itt olyan szavakat erősíthetsz, amiket gyakran összekeverünk.

1, How much do you charge/change for a 60 minute training session?

2, This hall is concerned/considered to be a first class venue for conferences

3, I did not mean it in a derogatory mean/sense of the word

4, Her means/mean of persuading him was rather blackmailing

5, We organised this conference in an attempt to foster the open exchange/change of information and experience.

6, Would you mind/mean turning off your mobile phone

7, I asked my boss to raise/rise my salary

8, gaining/winning an award is a great honour

9, A lot of animals in the rescue centre are adopted/adapted

10, He is tend/due to retire next month

11, This team was claimed/charged with implementing the project

12, The conference will be held/kept in the capital city

13, It aroused/rose my curiosity

14, Can you please change/charge this Ł20 banknote?

15, The movie plays/features A-list Hollywood stars

16, He betrayed the nation for personal earn/gain

17, He is the wrong/bad person for the position.

18, Wehave to take the coach/couch because the railway strike paralyzed the railway transport.

19, I am considering/concerning the possibility of a scholarship in Germany

20, We have to adapt/adopt our sales strategy to the market situation

21, I missed my connection/contact so I will have to catch the evening flight

22, The usual payment period/term is 30 days in business

23, This is the third year in a row that we minded/missed our targets.

24, He beat/hit his leg against the machine, which was an occupational accident.

25,.Don’t bother/disturb calling a taxi, I will give you a lift.

26, The manager recommended/offered her for promotion.

27, The study claims/considers that four out of every five customers have problems with customer service.

28, The people from the public utility company were lying/laying cables in the street

29, We have to ensure/assure all the necessary devices so that they can complete the construction

30, What is on drought/draught/?

31, The journey took/kept exactly 2 hours

32, Accountants are expected to work exactly/accurately

33, He offered/recommended to take me to the airport

34, What is going to happen to the company concerns/considers all the employees

35, The figures talk/speak for themselves.


1, charge

2, considered

3, sense

4, means

5, exchange

6, mind

7, raise

8, winning

9, adopted

10, due

11, charged

12, held

13, aroused

14, change

15, features

16, gain

17, wrong

18, coach

19, considering

20, adapt

21, connection

22, term

23, missed

24, hit

25, bother

26, recommended

27, claims

28, laying

29, ensure

30, draught

31, took

32, accurately

33, offered

34, concerns

35, speak

5, Üzleti szituáció: hallgasd meg, itt olvashatod is a szöveget, csak néhány szót kell beletölteni!

-Still have a few minutes?

-Of course.! 1……………….

-Thanks! I know, you have been in and out of meetings all day.

-it never ends.

-No lunch?

-I am trying to get out early. My son has a class play tonight. He’s gonna be a fig tree.

-You have to start somewhere.

-How is your little one?

-She is amazing. She is 4 weeks old tomorrow.


-Thanks! That’s actually what I am here about. 2…………was fantastic. Working flexitime for the last several weeks was just great. I spent time with my wife and my daughter. Now that I am back full time  I am realizing that I have more work done at home than I do here. A baby cries for 5 minutes but a meeting goes on for 2 hours.

-What you are saying is that you gonna work flexitime on a long term basis?

-What I am saying is that the whole company could benefit from a flexitime policy. What do you think?

-That’s ambitious! It might be fine for a start-up but someone as big as us…I don’t see it

-That’s how I thought it first and I did a lot of research and I found that at least a dozen of companies of our size or larger – also our competitors have flexitime policies and they also say the same thing: satisfaction goes up, productivity goes up, employee turnover goes down.

-Look! It might be great for them but it is a radical departure from the way we do business. I wouldn’t even know where to start.

-Have you seen the 3, …………….from when I was away?

-Yes, I have.

-And what did they say?

-Complaints were down about 10%, sales were up about the same amount. I got it, Tom. You were more productive at home.

-It wasn’t just me though. It was my whole team without me here micromanaging them. Everybody had to focus on their own task in their own time, and 4……………. it turned out that micromanaging wasn’t the answer.

Can I ask you another question?  Who do you think would benefit from a more flexible schedule?

-Steve and Sally have long 5……………. I am sure they would both love to work from home a couple of days a week.

-How about yourself? If you were able to work from home today you would have been able to have a decent lunch and you would be able to get to your son’s play without a rush?

-it sounds great 6……………..but the executive team doesn’t necessarily believe that7…………………..

-Well, look at it this way! You know Sheila from my department. She had to take 2 days off  because her kid was home from school and she didn’t have a sitter. That’s 2 days of lost work because she wasn’t set up to work from home. The thing is that if we had known about this ahead of time, it wouldn’t have been hard to do.

-So you are saying that we just need to have a system in place that if anybody had to work from home, they could.

-Or from anywhere

-So it doesn’t matter where they are if they have the work done, as long as it gets done

-Exactly. Results are results. That’s what matters.

8………………. But 9………………. this to the executive team…

-just brainstorming here. It doesn’t have to be one 10………….. all at once. We could try one team, not even my team –maybe engineering – and try it for a few months.

-I am not a 100% with you yet.

– I am just explaining this to you. What do you think you would need from me to get to a 100% committment, not 99% but 100%

-Let’s see! You’ve got a good start with the customer service stats. If you could make a 11……………case that benefits the bottom line and demonstrate how you plan to maintain those numbers over the long haul, that would help.

12…………... I will design a set of objectives that we can track and measure results. What else?

-The research you were talking about…I need to see that. And give me some examples of how your own team can remotely do their jobs and engineering, anybody..even the receptionist. Basically just give me the data and 13……………… I will sign on

-A hundred percent?

-Yes, if your data is rock solid

-All right. I think I can make this happen. What if I were to design a pilot plan to go along with the measurement targets

-That’s what I am looking for

-If I were to get these to you before next Friday, 14………….present this at the next executive team meeting?

-If the data is good and the proposal is right, I would.

-I 15………Sarah. Thank you so much

-Do you realize that you still16 have a long way to go?

-Yeah. But I am a lot closer than I was 5 minutes ago.



1, grab a chair

2, paternity leave

3, customer service stats

4, lo and behold

5, commutes

6, if you put it this way

7, employee morale affects the bottom line

8, I do see where you are coming from

9, pitching

10, sweeping

11, compelling

12, I am on it

13, if it is rock solid

14, would you be willing to

15, I am thrilled about this