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Kedves Profizmusra Vágyók!

A mai cikkben a munkahelyi stresszről olvashattok. A kiégés sokakat érint. Itt a legfrissebb cikk a Guardian angol napilapból.

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), 526,000 workers in the UK suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2016/17, and 12.5m working days were lost as a result over that period. The independent watchdog’s research shows that workers in health care, social care and education are more likely to suffer than those in other industries. A recent review found a worryingly high rate of burnout” among UK doctors – and women are more likely to suffer than men. 

Burnout  is considered to be a form of chronic workplace stress. It encompasses a spectrum of experiences. At the extreme end there are people who entirely shut down and end up in hospital having physical investigations; at the other end is someone showing signs of anxiety, low mood and feeling detached from day-to-day life. The condition is described as not a single event but a process in which everyday stresses and anxieties gradually undermine one’s mental and physical health.

When Adam was promoted in the summer of 2015, he says: “I knew it would be a great opportunity,  ‘I’m going to do it better than everyone else. I’m going to be the guy to buck the trend.’” And, at first, he thrived. “I loved being the last man standing in the office, when the lights turned off around me because no one had moved on my floor, and even the security guards had gone home.” But, two years later, he could see the damage he had done. “I definitely wasn’t happy,” he says. “It was such a warped mentality.” He started drinking every day, and neglected his marriage.

Burnout is a defence against intolerable pressure and stress. It is a symptom of an ailing organisation, rather than a sick individual. Burnout could be seen as a condition of our times. There are things that protect a workplace from burnout, – a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging, and a management style that can offer people autonomy to allow them to get on with what they need to get on with. Experts emphasize the responsibility of employers to take care of their employees’ mental wellbeing. people are suffering with stress and pressure, and they’re ashamed to talk about it because it’s seen as a sign of weakness, and it shouldn’t be.”

watchdog: felügyelő, ellenörző szerv

encompass: felölel, átfog

detached: eltávolodott

undermine: aláás

buck the trends: szakít a trendekkel

thrive: virágzik, gyarapszik, prosperál

warped: kicsavart, eltorzult

ailing: beteg,

emphasize: hangsúlyoz

be ashamed of: szégyelni vmit

  1. Our training courses……….a wide range of subjects.
  2. The government took measures to boost the……….economy.
  3. The new CEO wants to turn everything upside down, he thinks he will……….
  4. At the interview I did not mention that I was unemployed for more than a year. I was……….it.
  5. The repeated scandals……….the company’s reputation.
  6. This environmental authority is a ……….institution.
  7. He had a ……….sense of humour.
  8. If you want to get the job do not forget to……….that you worked abroad.
  9. A business cannot ……….without investments.
  10. Take a ……….view of the situation. You can make a good decision only if you can put things into a perspective.




  1. encompass, 2. ailing 3. buck the tends, 4. ashamed of, 5. undermined, 6. watchdog, 7.warped, 8. emphasize, 9. thrive, 10. detached