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Ma az építőipari trendekről olvashattok egy bejegyzést, sok hasznos információval és újabb szavakkal, kifejezésekkel.

The global construction industry is forecasted to grow by 3.6% in 2018. Besides the technological breakthrough a change in mindset can also be expected. What are the major trends?

More and more constructors are implementing Building Information Modelling. This is a collaborative method for exchanging information between the various project parties. With the help of this the whole building cycle can be managed.

Project Management Softwares provide the advantage of efficiency, transparency and accountability. It allows real time communication but it requires better data management.

Virtual and Augmented Reality are also catching on. You can virtually show clients what their investment will look like beforehand. It can also be used to provide safety training to workers.

Robotics are helping the industry e.g 3D printing is used to create form structures but it is just the tip of the iceberg, this technology is in its infancy.

Drones are used for mapping the construction sites and also for monitoring and inspecting the job. The data gained from drone footage can be used to analyze the progress.

Prefabricated building moves 80% of construction work off site and reduces noise and disruption on site.

There is a growing interest in Green construction. It reduces waste and the use of resources, allows a healthier living environment and it has a less damaging impact on the planet. Constructors have adhered to the needs of the end consumers and they need to acquire certification to be recognized as green.

The current crisis that construction is facing is shortage of labour. But soon manual labour will be replaced by robots, however robots will create more job opportunities – more intelligent labour will be needed in construction.

breakthrough: áttörés

mindset: gondolkodásmód, beállítottság

implement: kivitelez, beültet a gyakorlatba, bevezet

exchange: cserél

accountability: elszámoltathatóság

be in its infancy: gyerekcipőben jár

disruption: megzavarás, bomlás

adhere to: követ, betart, tiszteletben tart

acquire: meg/beszerez

shortage: hiány


1.Ebben az iparágban hatalmas áttörések történtek és bár a robottechnológia még csak gyerekcipőben jár a mi cégünk az elsők között van ezeknek a bevezetésében.

2.Lehetőséget szeretnénk adni arra, hogy az iparág vezetői összejöhessenek egy kis eszmecserére és megváltoztathassák a szemléletüket.

3.Jelenleg a munkaerő és finanszírozás hiánya okoz zavarokat az építőiparban.

4.Az elszámoltathatóság és átlátható működés egyre fontosabb az építőiparban.

5.Be kell szereznünk ezeket a zöld tanúsítványokat mert követni akarjuk a trendeket.




  1. In this industry major breakthroughs have happened and although robotics is still in its infancy our company is among the first to implement these. 2. We would like to give an opportunity to the industry leaders to exchange their views and change their mindset. 3. Currently the shortage of labour and funding are causing disruptions in the construction industry. 4. Accountability and transparent operation are becoming more and more important in the construction industry. 5. We have to acquire these green certificates as we want to adhere to the trends.