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Kedves Profizmusra Vágyók

Demkó Andrea vagyok, a cégek és cégvezetők nyelvi szakértője. Nagy divat mostanában a borhoz érteni. Mi magyarok büszkék vagyunk a borainkra, és ha más országokról van szó leginkább Franciaország vagy Olaszország jut eszünkbe. Na de Nagy Britannia? Márpedig úgy tűnik nemcsak isszák de termelik is a bort. Erről hoztam egy cikket, ezúttal feladatokkal is. A megoldást kicsit lejjebb találjátok.

France, Italy and Spain are traditionally considered as wine making powers but we would never think that Britain may threaten their dominance. However, English winemaking has taken off over the last decade; 4-5 million bottles are produced every year. Vine is planted in the south of the country not historically known for viticulture. Wine is without doubt the fastest growing agricultural product in the UK. The country is on the track of becoming a serious winemaker. About ten years ago it seemed a joke. But the transformation of the British wine industry is nothing short of extraordinary.

There is a shortage of suitable land, the climate also limits the production to the south, what’s more Britain  – as opposed to France – is yet to sell itself as a quality producer of food and drink. But the technology  – viticultural and winemaking practices – are improving. Better marketing is also a key  to exposing the talent in the industry and interestingly enough, global warming can also contribute to the thriving industry and growing vineyards.

There is a sky-high confidence that permeates the British wine business. There are producers who even take the risk of producing red wine. English wine has shed its once negative reputation. Statistics show that 60% of UK adults choose wine over other alcoholic drinks. There are 30 million regular wine consumers in the country. That is a promising market and it dispels the myth that wine is elitist.

threaten the dominance: fenyegeti a dominanciáját

take off: növekszik, nagyon megindul

vine: szőlőtő

viticulture: szőlészet

be on the track of: azon az úton van, hogy..

extraordinary: rendkívüli

thriving: virágzó

vineyard: szőlőskert

permeate: átitat, beborít

shed: hullat, levet

dispel: eloszlat

FELADAT: Írd be a hiányzó szót!

  1. The smell of cooking……….the flat.

  2. Sales of computers have……….recently.

  3. The city has developed a lot and now it is……….becoming a tourist centre.

  4. The lorry braked and……….its cargo.

  5. The Mediterranean area has been the cradle of……….

  6. The new owner planted new……….

  7. The company tried to……….the rumours about downsizing.

  8. Her talent for music is……….

  9. Tourists are taken to the……….first then they will go to the cellars.

  10. Metallurgy used to be a……….industry int he region.


Jó tanulást! Üdvözlettel: Demkó Andrea

„Segítek profivá válni.”




  1. permeates, 2. taken off, 3. on the track of, 4. shed, 5. viticulture, 6. vines, 7. dispel, 8. extraordinary, 9. vineyard, 10. thriving