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Ma egy különlegesen jó cikket hoztam nektek: milyen jogi ügyek fordulnak elő a cégeknél leginkább? A BusinessDictionary honlapján találtam egy jó kis írást, amit most összefoglalok nektek. Ezek leginkább az amerikai üzletembereknek szóló tanácsok, de azt hiszem kis hazánkban is jó tippeknek bizonyulnak és legfőképpen újabb szavakkal gyarapodhat a szókincsetek.

Many businesses have to face litigations . Legal headaches can  severely hurt your business’ bottom line.For example disgruntled employees are a common legal issue in America, where employees have far more rights than other countries,  If you terminate an employee, make sure he or she signs documents carefully drafted by an attorney upon termination to make the terms of dismissal crystal clear. Letting an employee go without any final termination forms leaves the door wide open for legal actions.

The other common issue can be discrimination or harrassment. The legal ramifications of alleged discrimination. During the hiring process, you have to prove that you hire the most qualified individuals, regardless of gender, ethnicity or age.
Victims of harassment and discrimination tend to attract lots of media attention, which can hurt your company’s public image as well as drain your legal budget. Be proactive and stomp out these problems before they start.

You should make sure that all your company’s employees can legally work in the United States. Carry out checks to identify illegal immigrants with falsified documents. The U.S. government has been known to conduct extensive surprise immigration audits that can cripple a company if it is found to be using illegal labor.

Another touchy issue is copyrights and patents. Cutting edge companies in the tech industry often face aggressive patent litigation. Companies often sit on patents for years, hoping that another company inadvertently violates them, to get easy money through patent and copyright lawsuits.In the product development phase at your company, make sure your research and development teams thoroughly research the patents and copyrights of your current product, to avoid a messy legal battle should you step on a competitor’s toes.

Customers who are dissatisfied can file lawsuits against your company, in which they gather in large consumer groups and attack your company over faulty products, services or promises. With enough dissatisfied customers, class action lawsuits can do more damage than any individual or corporation and irreparably tarnish your brand’s image. Promptly issue recalls for flawed products and be prompt to address customer issues.

There can be other legal issues like tax litigation, legal disputes with competitors and contractors. Make sure you are proactive in solving these problems before they start, and make sure you have a solid legal team to back you up should you get sued. Good communication in the workplace and a hands-on approach to management is the best deterrent to legal issues.


litigation: pereskedés 

bottom line: lényeg, nettó bevétel 

disgruntled: elégedetlen, háborgó, berágott 

terminate: elbocsájt 

legal ramification: következmény, hatás, elágazás

falsify: meghamisít 

cripple: megbénít 


step on sb’s toes: rálépni valaki lábujjára, vagyis útban lenni, kellemetlenséget okozni 

tarnish: elhomályosít, beszennyez, gyaláz 

flawed: hibás 

be prompt: gyors, azonnali 

sue: beperel 

deterrent: elrettentő dolog



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Itt egy TED előadás egy cégtől, akik belefutattak néhány szabadalmi kérdésbe!

két szó a témához:

disclosure: közzététel, nyilvánosságra hozatal

infringement: megszegés



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Demkó Andrea

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