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A home working és a COVID egyre több lehetőséget ad a csalásra. A te céged felkészült erre? Itt van néhány friss információ a Raconteur legfrissebb számából!


Criminals are exploiting (kihasznál) the fear and confusion stirred up (felkavar) by Covid 19. Criminals are scurrying through the cracks and scams (csalások) exploit disruption. For instance employees can field phone calls from swindlers pretending to be in house IT support asking for passwords. Fraudsters can send emails to make phone calls  to companies claiming that  the normal contact at firms has left their job asking them to change key details. So entering the businesses’ system fraudulently (hamis, csaló módon)has become very easy.

Employees can also defraud (becsap) the employers with false COVID test. They can siphone off  data from inside and give it to competitors. All this is driven by disgruntled (sértett, háborgó) employees.

Online criminals are increasingly targeting those who hold the corporate purse string.“The idea behind this crime is simple: get hold of the email password of someone important in finance, read their email before they do, learn how they operate, find out what the company is up to (mire készül) and when big payments are coming up then misdirect employees, creditors and debtors. Once the operation is up and running, they aim to keep the misdirection going for as long as possible by mixing social engineering skills with insider knowledge.” (A pszichológiai manipuláció (social engineering) amikor egy jogosultsággal rendelkező felhasználó jogosulatlan személy számára bizalmas adatokat ad át, vagy lehetőséget biztosít a rendszerbe történő belépésre a másik személy megtévesztő viselkedése miatt. wikipedia)

While the first wave of digital fraud was caused by the migration of physical credit cards to digital payments, a second wave is now seeing fraud move to mobile applications. By offering multiple products and services on a single platform, superapps and digital wallets risk complicating fraud risk management. In addition to payments, companies now have to deal with diverse types of fraud, such as account takeovers, fake registrations, promotional code exploitation, loyalty fraud and other reward-based loopholes.(jutalom alapú kiskapuk) Cybercrime was traditionally the domain of professional hackers who break into enterprises and governments to steal funds or personal data, or to cause reputational harm. But the arrival of a more digital-native generation has democratised their techniques, enabling opportunists to exploit online platforms, such as mobile apps, given their immense popularity

Sophisticated fraud syndicates employ customised tools to mimic the behaviour of real users. Tampered (megbabrál, megpiszkál) apps, in particular, open many new possibilities for them. The more services an app offers, the more opportunities there are to exploit. When fraudsters constantly change their attack patterns, traditional static defence mechanisms are ineffective. Solutions need to be precise, targeted and adaptable to minimise false positives while blocking fraud accurately. Otherwise, businesses risk significantly hindering (akadályoz, gátol) their customers’ user experience and suffering revenue losses.

What companies must do.?  Companies need to urgently assess, if their fraud mitigation (enyhítés, csökkentés) measures cover the threats and vulnerabilities that they face. The first question they need to ask themselves is, do their fraud attacks only happen at the point of payment? Fraud commonly happens across the entire user journey. Promotion codes attract not only new users but fraudsters too.

Secondly, do companies know the real extent of the fraud? Fraudsters often create multiple fake accounts, fund these accounts with illicit (törvénytelen) money and then proceed to divert (elirányít) these funds through a complex network before cashing them out: a classic case of money laundering, but on a new platform.

Thirdly, is the company’s anti-fraud solution end-to-end, future-proof and hyper-relevant? End-to-end solutions capture and block fraud at every checkpoint, ensuring complete visibility alongside a fraud mitigation approach that can be calibrated according to the needs and risk propensity(kockázatosság) at each checkpoint. Solutions would also do well to keep up with the latest fraud trends and tools from a global perspective, ideally through a global threat intelligence network, which helps companies block emerging fraud. Because every business is different, a good anti-fraud solution ensures relevancy of their clients digital ecosystem by accounting for the unique circumstances and requirements.